If you’ve ever stumbled across an animal with an extraordinarily long, droopy, furry nose, you might’ve thought to yourself, how could such an enormous nose possibly be comfy? Sure, it looks funny as hell, but does it serve any purpose? The answer is yes, and animals with the funniest noses have evolved in unique ways to take advantage of these extra tools to help them survive in the wild. Here are 15 animals with the funniest noses that will make you smile.
1) The greater spear-nosed bat
Greater nosed bat (Phyllostomus hastatus) If you’re looking for an animal with a truly unique nose, the greater spear nosed bat is sure to make you chuckle. This small creature has an unusually large and spiky nose, making it stand out among its peers.
This bat is commonly found in tropical environment in south and central America, and is most active in the evening. It has a varied diet, including insects, fruits, nectar, birds, mice, other bats and is omnivorous. Its large nose serves an important purpose—it helps the bat to capture food from distances of up to two meters! So if you’re looking for animals with funny noses, Greater spear nose bat I will add to my list of 15 Animals with the Funniest Noses That Will Make You Smile.
2) Proboscis Monkey
Proboscis Monkey or long nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is one of the animals with the funniest nose. In animal kingdom this monkey uses its nose for many reasons, but the main focus is to attract the females. Native to the rainforests of Borneo, these monkeys have unusually large noses that grow even larger as they get older. The purpose of this weird feature is still largely a mystery, but some experts theorize that it is used to amplify the male’s call during mating season or to make them look bigger and more intimidating to predators. In addition to their long, pendulous noses, proboscis monkeys also have long beards, a trait that makes them stand out from other primates. They spend their days eating leaves, fruit, and seeds from the trees in their habitat and drinking water from small streams. These animals are considered to be endangered due to deforestation and hunting, but conservation efforts are helping to protect them and their natural habitats.
3) Pinocchio frog

New Pinocchio frog species has a strange, pointy nose (nationalgeographic.com)
The Pinocchio Frog (Litoria Pinocchio) is one of the cutest animals with a funny nose. Its long and slim snout looks almost like the nose of Pinocchio, hence its name. It is a unique species of frog found in the humid forests of Central and South America, and it stands out among its amphibious peers due to its prominent proboscis. The frog’s strange-looking snout allows it to pick up delicate items with precision, and its long legs give it excellent agility.
The Pinocchio Frog also has an unusual sound that adds to its charm. It emits a high-pitched trill that resembles a cricket’s chirp, which can be heard from up to 40 meters away. The sound is so distinctive that it was even used as the inspiration for the theme song for the television show Futurama!
It’s an intriguing species to observe in the wild and a great conversation starter among frog enthusiasts. The Pinocchio Frog’s comical appearance and charming sounds make it one of the most amusing animals and hence I am adding this cute little guy to my list of 15 Animals with the funniest noses that will make you smile.
4) Goblin shark

Kelvin Aitken—WPics/Alamy
The Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) may look like it stepped out of a nightmare, but there’s no denying its nose is pretty funny! This deep sea creature has a flat, elongated snout with an overbite that extends outwards like a pair of puckered lips. The end of its snout even has tiny barbs and a bulbous tip which gives the Goblin Shark a comical appearance. Though not often seen by humans due to their deep sea habitat, the Goblin Shark’s funny nose is definitely scary and one to remember.
5) Hippopotamus
The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibus) is an animal with its short snout, wide nostrils, and a big flat nose, it’s hard not to giggle when you see a hippo! Hippos also have a great sense of smell, which helps them find food and even detect predators. What makes their noses even more amusing is that they can use them as snorkels when they are underwater. They make bubbles and to attracts the mates and also use the signal to warn predators or if calling for a fight. So not only are hippo noses funny, but they’re also functional too!
6) Warthog
The warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) if you remember the lion king is sure to make the list. Its long and slightly curved snout adds a bit of comedic flair. Even when standing still, its nostrils seem to be wide open, often looking as if the warthog is sniffing the air for something exciting. The warthog’s snout is an important tool, as it helps the animal dig for roots and other food, and also helps them cool off in hot climates. However, these unique features have also made the warthog a popular cartoon character and an interesting subject for photographers. But be careful if you spot one near you as these animals are too fast and ferious.
7) Unicorn fish
The Unicorn Fish (Naso brevirostrisis) an interesting species of animals with a funny nose. It is a member of the Siganidae family, which also includes Rabbitfish, Pufferfish and Porcupinefish. Its common name comes from the single horn on its forehead. This horn-like protrusion is its most recognizable feature, giving it a very unique look. The Unicorn Fish has a very distinctive snout that looks like a mix between an elephant’s trunk and a parrot’s beak. Its pointed snout helps it to feed on small crustaceans and plankton. It has small eyes, with bright blue irises that give it an even funnier look. Its body is covered in large scales and its fins have black tips.
The Unicorn Fish lives mainly in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, where it can be found in coral reefs and lagoons. It’s a fairly peaceful species, but if threatened, it can use its sharp spines as a defense mechanism.
This animal with a funny nose is becoming increasingly popular in the aquarium trade. It’s an easy fish to care for and its bright colors make it a beautiful addition to any home aquarium. It’s also an ideal fish for beginner aquarists because of its peaceful nature and low maintenance requirements. So, I am putting this cute fish in my list of the 15 Animals with the funniest noses that will make you smile.
8) Pangolin
The Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata), also known as the scaly anteater, is an unusual-looking creature with one of the funniest noses in the animal kingdom. The pangolin has a long snout that looks like it’s been squished flat, giving it a very comical appearance. Its snout is lined with thousands of tiny hairs that are used for smelling and sensing its environment. It uses this sensitive nose to sniff out food, such as ants and termites, which it then uses its long, sticky tongue to catch. The Pangolin is one of the few animals that can actually curl up into a ball when threatened. All in all, its funny-looking nose makes the Pangolin a truly unique and memorable creature. They are endangered so if you see a pangolin consider it a friend and help him find his way and don’t kill them as, millions of pangolins are killed every year for their scales.
9) Aardvark
The (Orycteropus afer) the Aardvark or antbear is one of the most amusing animals with a funny nose. The name aardvark comes from Afrikaans for “earth pig” which refers to its piglike face and burrowing habits. Its long snout and protruding nostrils make it look like it is constantly sniffing something out. It uses its powerful sense of smell to locate its prey, usually termites and ants. The aardvark’s nose is also an incredibly efficient tool for cooling itself down in hot climates. On top of that, it can close its nostrils when digging in the soil, preventing dust from entering its respiratory system. All in all, the aardvark’s funny nose is definitely something to be admired and that’s why I am adding this amazing animal to my list of 15 Animals with the funniest noses that will make you smile.
10) Tapir
The tapir (Tapirus bairdii) is an animal with its nose shaped like an elephant’s trunk, but much shorter and more flexible. The tapir uses its nose to help it eat leaves, fruit, and even small branches. It also uses its nose to explore its environment and find food sources. Tapirs have been known to walk up to 50 kilometers in a single day in search of food. While they might not be the cuddliest animals out there but, they are amazing in many ways. They love bananas, also they talk to each other by whistling.
11) Elephant shrew
The short eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus), or sengi, is a small mammal native to the African continent. Its name comes from its long, trunk-like nose, which is perhaps its most distinctive feature. While some people think the elephant shrew looks more like an anteater than an elephant, it’s the long, snout-like nose that really sets it apart from other animals. In fact, its nose is so pronounced that it almost looks comical!
The elephant shrew’s nose isn’t just for looks; it serves an important purpose in the animal’s life. It is used to sniff out food and helps the animal avoid predators by detecting their presence. It can also be used as a tool to dig in the ground and uncover prey. In addition, the elephant shrew’s nose is sensitive enough to help it locate tiny morsels of food that would otherwise be difficult to find.
As funny as the elephant shrew’s nose may look, it serves an important role in the animal’s life. Its long, trunk-like nose helps the elephant shrew survive in its natural habitat and gives it a distinct advantage over other animals with funny noses.
12) Star nosed mole
A star nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is having a unique snout full of 22 appendages that look like a star, this curious creature has one of the strangest noses in the animal kingdom. Its star-shaped nose is made up of little tentacles that are incredibly sensitive and can detect food and other objects with incredible speed. Scientists believe this feature gives the star-nosed mole an edge over its competitors in the race to find food. Despite its amusing appearance, the star-nosed mole is actually quite an impressive creature. It can swim through water and dig through soil to forage for food and build its underground burrows. So the next time you’re looking for animals with funny noses, be sure to give the star-nosed mole a special place in your heart!
13) Snub nosed monkey
Snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) are a type of Old World monkey that have a particularly unique nose. These primates, who can be found in some parts of Asia, Africa and Central America, have snub noses with a downward-pointing nostril that is almost flush with the face. Snub-nosed monkeys are also known for their long fur, which ranges in color from black to gray and sometimes has white patches or stripes. Some species even have tufts of fur around their heads and faces. These cute creatures are typically quite social, forming large troops of up to 30 individuals or more. As they move through the forest, they can often be heard chattering, laughing and even singing!
Despite their amusing appearance, snub-nosed monkeys are actually quite endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Thankfully, conservation efforts are helping to protect these unique animals and preserve their populations for generations to come.
14) Saiga/cigar antilope
The Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) with its signature snout, this animal has a unique facial feature that sets it apart from other creatures. It is long and flexible, like a cigar, and it can be used for sniffing out food and locating predators. The shape also helps the antelope to cool down in hot weather, as the nose acts like a radiator to dissipate heat. The cigar antelope also makes funny noises when it feels threatened, often making a loud honking sound like a car horn. All these features make it a truly entertaining animal to watch. But sadly, these beautiful antelopes are critically endangered according to IUCN.
15) Pig nosed turtle
The pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta), otherwise known as the pitted-shelled turtle or Fly River turtle, is a species of turtle native to northern Australia and southern New Guinea, is certainly one of the animals with the funniest noses. With its big, pig-like snout and huge nostrils, this turtle stands out from the pack. These turtle loves to eat aquatic vegetation, snails, and small fish. They are also known to be incredibly friendly and can become quite attached to their owners. While they might not be the most social animal in the world, they definitely make up for it with their unique nose hence, I am adding them to my list of 15 Animals with the funniest noses that will make you smile.
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